Progress -- Beacon & Palaios
I have done a little bit of work on Palaios, which is my pre-Casanarvan world, the place where the Tazaqwayn came from. It is a place of many gods and goddesses and fiery blood sacrifices.
From this world a priest, Licas, escapes with a few hundred followers, including several warriors who become his bodyguards and eventually form the original Velnar Knights.
I know little of this world and am just feeling my way along. Recently I saw a picture of a city by a sea and recognized it as the capital of Palaios. I had not known before if Palaios was a coastal city or not. Details will come to me and I will be able to See this place much better in time. Eventually what I see probably won't resemble the picture at all, but that doesn't matter.
Labels: Beacon Burning, beginnings and endings, Palaios, Progress report, Writer's block
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